After growing up on the farm, Jeff studied dairy science at UW-River Falls – and met his wife, Jess. After graduating, he had an eight-year career in artificial insemination. In 2015, Jeff received the opportunity to return to and work on the family dairy operation before purchasing it from his parents.
Shortly after purchasing the farm, Jeff began to grow and modernize the operation and make improvements to increase the herd. At the time, he added an improved parlor, a six-row dairy free stall barn and computer programs for herd management. Technology improvements were and continue to be the key to making his work possible. “Farm life is much easier and less labor intensive than it was in the past,” said Jeff. “Farming is a career people can get into because of modernization.”
Brandon, Jeff’s 21-year-old son, is now the third generation of Lambrecht farmers. His interest in the farm centers around maintaining and repairing everything mechanical. Jeff and Jess have four younger children, Nolan, Amelia, Olivia and Clayton, who keep them busy with sports and other activities.
Jeff’s wish for his children is that they experience the same joyful youth he felt growing up on a dairy farm. His favorite memories are centered around chores and play, feeding the cows and riding dirt bikes around the farm. “My siblings weren’t as interested in farm life as I was. I even loved getting up early and doing chores before school,” said Jeff. “Farm children grow up learning where their food comes from and also learn so many other life skills. They have the chance to learn, work hard and do things that a lot of kids don’t have the opportunity to do.”
Jeff is committed to cleanliness and cow comfort. He keeps up with grooming and maintains sanitary sand bedding to ensure spotless cows, clean udders and overall herd health. Maintaining a healthy herd with a low somatic cell count plays a part in Jeff’s mission to produce higher-quality products. “I am always motivated to get more production from our cows and produce better quality products. We put up more and more consistent feed, which produces higher levels of fat and protein that make better cheese products,” said Jeff. “We do everything we can for healthy, safe and nutritious production.”
Cover crops and no-till methods are being implemented at Lambrecht Dairy. Jeff recognizes these strategies to be important changes for resource conservation. “I understand the benefit of keeping the soil always covered and reducing erosion. We’re creating a natural filter for the water,” said Jeff. Other related practices such as spreading manure on cover crops or green fields reduces the chance of run-off and simultaneously improves nutrient retention.
The farm has six full-time employees to help with the milking, scraping and maintenance. The Lambrecht’s farm team also includes a veterinarian, nutritionist and their Foremost Farms field representative. The Lambrechts were served by Russ Butterbrodt for many years and now by Brian Ulness following a territory reassignment, both experienced Foremost Farms field representatives with vast knowledge and dedication to the cooperative and the farms they serve.